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Status Gathering support
Product InfoWorks ICM
Categories Productivity
Created by Dave White
Created on Oct 17, 2019

Allow user default sorting of Master Database, and sorting of Layers and Themes properties

In InfoWorks ICM, allow the user to choose the default sorting of the Master Database and allow sorting of the Layers and Themes in Geoplan Properties and Themes. I would like to be able to have the master database automatically/default sorted based on something else (description/ID/User/Date). Would also like to sort the Layers & Themes dialogue, as it seems pretty random (not even alphabetical!) and often difficult to find the layer I'm looking for.
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Jun 11, 2020
    Ability to move items around more freely in custom orders would be great! Copy/Pasting/Adding new items doesnt sit well in the database tree. - Our work around is to number groups and then sort A-Z but this is pain to do every single time! Would be great to custom order it all, and allow every user of the database to see that too.
  • Nick Dahl
    Mar 16, 2020
    I agree. Manual/automatic moving/sorting of the database tree items would be very useful (or at least pleasing to the eye). The order of items sometimes gets scrambled when copy/pasting and its a pain to try and get it back in order.
  • Faizah Ahmad
    Jan 15, 2020
    Yes, agree for the sorting list in Layers & Themes.
  • Bradley Nissley
    Dec 4, 2019
    Would like to include the ability to set custom orders in the Master Database window to this as well; move up/move down buttons to set the order or drag and drop would be great. Option to sort at the Model Group level instead of only at the Master Database level would be an improvement too.

User defined sorting of database tree

Shared databases can become cluttered with many model groups, subgroups, and objects. The default sorting and fully alphabetical sorting do not enable easy organization across teams. We want to drag objects/groups to new default positions, or sele...
Nathan Gerdts 4 months ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Productivity 0 Gathering support