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Status Gathering support
Product InfoWorks ICM
Categories GIS Layers
Created by Richard Wilbrink
Created on May 31, 2022

Visibility by system type

It would be usefull to have the possibility to easily switch on and off the layers of different system types by ticking on and of the different types/layers in the Geoplan Layers and Themes. By using the themes and adding visibility it is possible but far more complicated compared with how this worked in the previous InfoWorks CS.
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  • Admin
    Sophia Buchanan
    Jun 15, 2023

    I see, so you are wanting to easily turn all objects (nodes,links, channels ect) on and off based on system type. Thanks.

  • Richard Wilbrink
    Apr 19, 2023
    Themes of course can be turned of and on for the complete layer. However i asked for simple functionality to turn a layer on or off by system type: storm, foul, etc. So this is not acknowledged i would say...
  • Guest
    Jun 6, 2022
    Themes can be easily turned off and on by right clicking on the layer and enabling/disabling in the Key window.