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Add Individual Component Scores to Risk Details Report & Export

Display the individual risk component scores (raw and weighted) on the asset details report. These columns can be added to the end of the report after the risk grade field. This will require horizontal scrolling in the report. The export result wi...
Mike Maylone about 2 years ago in Info360 Asset / Data Export / Risk 0 Launched

I want to combine the CLA with the generalised Multi Run in Infoworks WS Pro

I want to combine the CLA with the generalised Multi Run in Infoworks WS Pro. We use Critical link analyses. After these runs we analyse with script in exchange. As result we get of every pipe the maximum flow in relation with the isolation_area. ...
Erik Amting about 2 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro 0 Launched

Risk Matrix for CoF and LoF biased calculations

When calculating risk, many users need to look at LoF and CoF separately when deciding which class the pipe is falling under (Negligible to Extreme). The 5x5 matrix allows users to create LoF and CoF biased risk classes.
Guest about 2 years ago in Info360 Asset / Risk Configuration / Calculation 0 Launched

Max or Min Flow values should not depend on the pipe direction. i.e. the value being positive or negative depend on the pipe direction

Currently, if the flow direction through the pipe is opposite to the direction of the pipe drawn it shows as a negative flow value. So if the flow goes both direction during the run, smaller positive value shows as the maximum flow and larger nega...
Guest about 4 years ago in InfoWater Pro 1 Launched

Allow Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V in InfoWater Pro

I could always copy and paste attributes via simple keyboard commands (Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V) in classic InfoWater, but can no longer do that in InfoWater Pro. You can right click and select "Copy" or "Paste", but that takes longer. Bring back keyboar...
Guest almost 5 years ago in InfoWater Pro 0 Launched

Color code CCTV inspections at a larger extent.

The color coding can be the same tone as the Pipe layer but darker so that the pipes are visible when the user zooms to an extent other than the extent where CCTV are color coded based on severity. The symbology can be specified under the legend s...
Martha Nunez over 3 years ago in Info360 Asset 0 Launched

Individual vertex point visibility in GeoPlan

When an individual point is selected in river section data, this is not dynamically shown on the GeoPlan like a cross section might be. It would be good if vertex points were also visible.
Guest about 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM 1 Launched

As a user I would like to use Equivalent Persons (EP) for demand allocation.

As a user and working within a Queensland council, Equivalent Persons (EP) are used for Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP) triggers and growth planning. As the Census data is used create a demand model to define development staging horizo...
Guest over 5 years ago in InfoWater Pro 1 Launched

Add "Data Source Name" column to the sensor configuration table.

It will be very helpful to filter/arrange sensors using the data connection name when troubleshooting data gaps in the case where there could be more than one data connection.
Guest 9 months ago in Info360 Plant / Data 0 Launched

Multiparameter Risk Analysis

User can create a risk component with multiple parameters. For example a combination of Age and Material. Material DI PVC Age 25 years 50 years
Mike Maylone over 2 years ago in Info360 Asset / COF & LOF Categories / Components / Risk Configuration / Calculation 0 Launched