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InfoWorks ICM

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Send simulations to cloud from on-prem database

It would be nice to be able to use the cloud computing capability that AutoDesk provides in the ICM Ultimate version 2024.1 not just for databases that are in the cloud, but also for databases that are on our own WDS by being able to choose the cl...
Marcel Glasbergen over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / Performance 0 Gathering support

Allow Simulation Time and Reporting Time to set independently

Similar to the functionality available InfoWSWMM where you are able to define a start date and time for the simulation and a start date and time for results. This allows initial phases of the model simulation to be ignored by the results without n...
Guest 10 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Simulations 2 Gathering support

Building Objects and Damage Receptors Need better support for Buildings to follow USACE BCA analysis
Matt Anderson 8 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / 2D Flooding 1 Gathering support

Remote roots and move to server from Clould Database (ICM 2024.1 Ultimate)

Would be nice to have in the cloud database the option to set remote roots and be able to move the results so others would be able to see them (we don't want to lose time with re-runs)
Corneliu Martincu over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / Sharing 6 Gathering support

I would like to be-able to reorder scenarios in the drop down in ICM

II would like to be able to change order of scenarios (after Base). So be able to move up scenarios or down scenarios in the drop down list. I often have to delete scenarios or created amended versions of copied scenarios and this often results in...
Guest almost 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Scenario 2 Gathering support

Add De-select tool

most software systems that include select tools also include de-select tools. Adding a tool to un-select or de-select already selected items should be fairly easy to add.
Guest 5 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Network 2 Gathering support

Allow for the running of statistics templates and generation of grid reports such as RPA and worst case using ICM Exchange

No description provided
Guest over 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / API / Exchange / Productivity / Results 0 Gathering support

Simplfy Downloading results

While running lots of models on the cloud - I need to process them in GIS (cause Clip meshing doesn allow me to compare these models), dowloading 21 simulations is a single-click action considering. Make the process easier.
Matt Anderson 8 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Info360 Cloud 2 Gathering support

Flow Survey importer

It would be good to update the flow survey object and importer, giving this a more updated feel and removing some of the steps.
Guest over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Flow / Import data 4 Gathering support

Export Max Flood Contours - Elevation

It would add value to ICM if users could export the Maximum Flood Contours as Elevations in the same way that we can for Depth. This would be particularly useful as currently Depth is the only property that be be exported as an ASCII Grid file. I...
Guest almost 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Export Data / Results / Sharing 2 Gathering support