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InfoWorks ICM

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Alert on river sections without having to make 1D results points

We'd like to create alerts on river sections without having to create either results points or having the reach split at the cross section in question
Richard Body about 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Live Modeling / River Modeling 0 Gathering support

Local water quality settings.

User can set local water quality parameters and local initial condition of Water Quality in ICM rather than globally. Local WQ parameter should at least contain decay rate, DO process coefficient etc.. As for the local initial condition, DO concen...
Liu Qiusheng over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Pollutants / Water Quality 1 Gathering support

"jet flow" and agitation (inflow with a certain speed)

In China, efforts are being made to improve black and smelly water bodies. One of the measures is to increase water fluidity to improve water quality through natural purification of water bodies. So there are two measures to increase the fluidity ...
Liu Qiusheng over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / 2D Flooding / Pollutants / Water Quality 0 Gathering support

Water environmental capacity calculation

Add environmental capacity calculation in ICM, user can easily find how much pollution the river can receive at each time step and each river’s total environment capacity during the whole simulatiton. Water Environmental Capacity Calculation Backg...
Liu Qiusheng over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / River Modeling / Water Quality 0 Gathering support

Pollution from the rainfall

No description provided
Liu Qiusheng over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Pollutants / Rainfall / Water Quality 2 Gathering support

Agricultural pollution

Including agricultural pollution in the model. Such as fertilization and pesticide application. These pollutions can buildup rapidely on the surface and washoff during irrigation and rainfall period. Some common model softwares such as SWAT and WA...
Liu Qiusheng over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Water Quality 0 Gathering support

Buildup and washoff on permeable surfaces.

Pollution buildup and washoff can also happen on pervious area in Innovyze .buildup/washoff model.
Liu Qiusheng over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Water Quality 0 Gathering support

Total sediment ( SF1+SF2)

In the result “graph” and “table” window add a new field for “total sediment” which presents the mass flow and the concentration of “sf1”+”sf2”
Liu Qiusheng over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Water Quality 1 Gathering support

Image Import Information: File Types and Sizes

Would like to see the list of accepted file types (SVG, PNG, JPEG, PDF, etc.) , and file size limitations.
Amelia over 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / GIS Layers / Import data 0 Gathering support

Assign wastewater and tradewaste profiles for special dates

I would like to see that InfoWorks ICM has a feature that allows the user to be able to assign wasterwater/tradewaste profiles to special dates in a calendar year, for example, statutory holidays. Those special dates can be defined by the user. Th...
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Events / Hydraulics 0 Gathering support