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Other Product Ideas

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InfoAsset Manager - Double the quantity of user fields for all objects.

I often run out of user fields especially on pipe objects. It would be very beneficial to have extra fields available.
Jim O'Dowd over 1 year ago in Other Product Ideas / Asset Management 0 For Review

As a CCTV inspection data manager I would like to be able to import and export inspections according both the BEFDSS_01_01 AND BEFDSS_02_01

As a CCTV inspection data manager I would like to be able to import and export inspections according both the BEFDSS_01_01 AND BEFDSS_02_01 Standard (NBN EN 13508-2:2003 → BEFDSS_01_01 and NBN EN 13508-2:2003+A1:2011 → BEFDSS_02_01) because this i...
Ilse Bisson almost 2 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Asset Management 0 For Review

InfoAsset Planner for ArcGIS Pro

As a user I want to upgrade from ArcGIS to ArcGIS Pro. When will this be available?
Guest over 5 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Asset Management 3 Will not implement

Storage area polygons

Storage nodes often represent detention basins or other locations with large areas. Pipes enter/leave from opposite sides. With the standard link/node configuration, one or more link will be mis-configured compared to the actual location. I have...
Guest about 4 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Storm, Sewer, Flood Modeling 2 Gathering support

As a user, I would like the CCTV survey import tool to identify when the Pipe Segment Reference/Pipe ID is inaccurate.

Currently, when importing CCTV inspection data, InfoAsset Planner looks for the inspection based upon Upstream and Downstream assets. If it finds a match, it does not check if the pipe segment reference/facility ID match as well. It only checks th...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Asset Management 0 Gathering support

InfoAsset Mobile: Make calculations using blob field values

Within InfoAsset Mobile, I would like to be able to run queries and calculations using data which is within a blob field - so calculate values along a blob data row (e.g. columns A + B will = C), as well as calculate values from the bob into a fie...
Guest over 3 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Asset Management 1 For Review

InfoAsset Planner - Allow Re-Ordering of Items in Operation Center

Allow items in the Operation Center to be reordered; COFs, LOFs, Risks, Data Miners, etc.
Bradley Nissley about 5 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Asset Management 0 For Review

Innovyze License Administrator

New license administrator is terrible compared to the previous one.
Michael Wetterau over 2 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Licensing 1 Will not implement

As a user, I would like to predict the number of future failures using the regression analysis because it helps with establishing a replacem

The LEYP regression analysis is the most advanced deterioration model in the suite. I would like to use this model to predict the number of future failures given an input time period or the time period until the next break. Currently the LEYP mode...
Guest about 5 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Asset Management 0 For Review

Videos in the Cloud

As a user I would like to be able to upload and store videos in the Cloud and view them in InfoAsset Manager and Online
Guest over 5 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Asset Management 0 Gathering support