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InfoSWMM from InfoSewer should allow the user to pick a scenario on import. It is a feature of InfoSWMM to convert an InfoSewer MXD and IE

We only allow the user to import the active scenario in InfoSewer. If a user does not have InfoSewer then he or she must guess which is the active scenario. It would better to have a dialog to allow the user to import their selected and needed sce...
Guest over 4 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Storm, Sewer, Flood Modeling 0 Gathering support

As a user, I would like to be able to print the dynamic long section view in PDF exactly like on the screen in XPSWMM.

No description provided
Guest almost 5 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Storm, Sewer, Flood Modeling 0 Gathering support

Automated exchange with CMMS System

I want to use InfoAsset Planner on a (near) daily basis for optimizing O&M. The API connection to CMMS systems like Lucity and Cityworks is good but it still requires manually importing the data and manually creating work orders to send out. ...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Asset Management 0 Gathering support

As a user, I would like to have warnings about the landuse polygon size that will greatly slow down the performance in XPSWMM.

Large number of land use polygons can greatly slow down the performance of XPSWMM, it can take up to 10 min to open and save a model. Ideally this issue should be fixed. Before that happens, if XPSWMM can warn the user for the large size of the la...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Storm, Sewer, Flood Modeling 1 Gathering support

CCTV Wizard warning default value

The CCTV wizard is one of my favorite tools in InfoAsset Planner, but it's very time consuming to run it manually. As a user, I would like to set the Give a warning when defect distance exceeds total length 1 feet as default value instead of 5 fee...
Guest about 5 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Asset Management 0 For Review

Rehabilitation Plan Analysis Result Parameter

To better manage our assets from structural and maintenance perspective, our organization created two decision trees and set up two different rehab plans. As a user, I want to add the draft rehab plan layer as part of the Analysis Result parameter...
Guest about 5 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Asset Management 0 For Review

Detailed Risk Report

We would like the ability to export a PDF report for a selection of pipe segments to include a map of each segment and all of the CoF and LoF detailed scores and values (i.e. the distance from water bodies and its CoF score).
Guest about 5 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Asset Management 0 For Review

Add Additional Review Fields to Project Prioritization

Project Prioritization is great step forward! However in future releases it'd be great to incorporate it further into an organization's CIP workflow. Specifically additional fields to specify whether a project has been reviewed, completed, in prog...
Guest about 5 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Asset Management 1 For Review

InfoAsset Planner - User Defined Scoring Range "Breaker" values in COF/LOF

When selecting unique values in "Step 5 - Set Score Range" from within the COF/LOF wizard, it is not possible to add additional, user defined rows. I have a COF that scores a value from a table listing a severity as "Very Low", "Low", "Medium", "...
Bradley Nissley about 5 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Asset Management 0 For Review

Info Asset Mobile Field

When our CCTV crews are using Info Asset Mobile Field for a CCTV survey capture, they are often surveying multiple lengths (recent example 32 runs). The teams are presented with a data capture form per length and each form has to be completed and...
Guest about 5 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Asset Management 1 For Review