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Export mesh ground levels to a ground model grid file

Using 2D mesh zones and mesh level zones can quickly get messy and difficult to visualise the changes that have been made and compare them to nearby ground levels. If there was a function to turn the ground levels of a mesh into a ground model gri...
Daniel Bloomfield 6 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Grids 1 Gathering support

Add a result grid window for cross sections

Currently there is not a grid results window to show all cross sections. Would be helpful to have one. Also would be good if the grid window can show geometric elements of each cross section, such as bank levels, flow area, wetted perimeter, hydra...
Guest over 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Grids / Results 0 Gathering support

Sorting a conduit grid table based on upstream-downstream order (or vice-versa)

Help to sort a grid table (such as conduit) in order of upstream to downstream or vice-versa will be very helpful to modellers.
Guest over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / Grids 0 Gathering support

Customization of Grid Windows in InfoWorks ICM

Allow custom grid window layouts in InfoWorks ICM, much like the Property window. Allow the user to reorganize the columns, change the column widths, or hide unnecessary columns, and save it as a layout to be applied as a default.
Dave White over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Grids 9 Gathering support

ICM SWMM should show the Pipe Slope and Full Flow (PFC) on the Properties Dialog

While it might seem like a small detail, the ability to access the same properties on a Grid in ICM SWMM that were available in InfoSWMM can significantly enhance user experience. Many users request to see properties such as pipe slope and PFC val...
Robert Dickinson 10 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Grids 0 Gathering support

Retain decimal places when copying/pasting grid values

For most numerical values in a model, ICM can hold 8 decimal places. From the grid view, if you copy/paste a single cell value, the full set of decimal values are preserved. However, if you copy multiple cell values at once (e.g. an entire column)...
Jason Kulsdom about 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Grids / Reporting 0 Gathering support

More display decimal places for small values of Dry Weather Flow

In 2024, with larger simulation models and more monitoring data, a model's dry weather loading is likely to be less than 0.005 MGD, CFS, or CMS. ICM InfoWorks only supports these three unit types. For low flows, the node, link, and subcatchment gr...
Robert Dickinson about 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / Grids 0 Gathering support

Selection Lists - "Links" and "Other Items"

The "Selection List" grid currently has several limitations. Firstly, for the "Links" page, when you paste in some link IDs, the underlying code is not very sophisticated - it essentially just does a "text to columns" operation, splitting the inpu...
Jason Kulsdom almost 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Grids 0 Gathering support

Structure flow mode reported in the results

Sometimes when evaluating results at structures we see strange results that require investigation; invariably we find out that this is because the flow mode has changed. (e.g. from free to drowned). It would be very helpful if the ICM results were...
Richard Body over 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Grids / Reporting / Results 0 Gathering support

Add Alternative Demands to ICM

Add alternative demand feature (as exists in WSPro) so the impact of different growth (population) scenarios can be easily tested without having to create a new scenario and copy of the network for each iteration.
Alison Ormsby about 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / Grids 2 Gathering support