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Add node level (hydraulic grade line) data to custom graphs for calibration

Allow for the ability to compare observed and predicted level data (or hydraulic grade lines) at nodes. Instead of depth in the pipe, I typically have water surface elevations at a node, specifically for treatment plant hydraulic modeling.
Guest over 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Calibration / Labels / Results 0 Gathering support

ICM Status bar to show more significant figures

The status bar currently only displays levels (ground model level, water depth) to 1 decimal place. 2 Decimal places would be much more useful, Especially to ensure a node is at a low point or in the gutter invert..
Gregory Smith about 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Productivity / Visualization 1 Gathering support

Auto populate an incremental ID for objects such as lines/polygons/subcatchments etc.

Often source data is provided with a non unique ID. Nodes auto generate an ID, and conduits will create a node, but the remaining asset classes struggle somewhat and often you need to manipulate the GIS data. I would like to be able to have ICM...
Ann Pugh almost 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Data Exchange / GIS Layers / Import data 0 Gathering support

Insert polygon

Allowing this option to insert a polygon shape will be beneficial. avoid wasting time to draw a perfect boundary free hand. Basic shapes like circle, rectangle / square can be added.
Guest over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / GIS Layers 2 Gathering support

I want Infoworks' "Export maxima to GIS" to include the below parameters to assist scour protection design within 2D Zone

1. For shear-stress-based design 1.1 Max Shear Stress (in N/m2 with at least 1 digit after the decimal point) 1.2 Hydraulic Slope at Max Shear Stress (in percent with at least 3 digits after the decimal point) 2. For velocity-based design 2.1. Max...
Phuong Mai over 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Export Data / GIS Layers / Simulations 1 Gathering support

Highlight and delete multiple vertices when editing features (e.g. roughness zones)

In GIS software when editing features, there is often an option to select a number of vertices to delete/move them as a group. This would speed up time taken to edit features in the model like roughness zones that often need a lot of editing to be...
Daniel Bloomfield almost 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / GIS Layers / Productivity 0 Gathering support

Tile only for selected windows

Choose which Windows are used for Tile Horizontally or Tile Vertically. If a Geoplan and two Long Sections are open, we want to tile only the Long Sections, so a selection for the tiling would be useful.
Guest about 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Productivity / Visualization 0 Gathering support

Import\Export ESRI ArcGIS Pro data into InfoWorks ICM

I would like to exchange data between InfoWorks ICM and ESRI.
Guest over 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / GIS Layers / Network 1 Gathering support

Visualise DWG in the background

As a user migrating from XPSWMM I want to be able to use a DWG as a background file so that I can find my bearings in my InfoWorks model
Sophia Buchanan over 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Visualization 0 Gathering support

Collapsing walls identified in the log file

Can we have the status of base linear structures included in the log file? I have a large model where I have lots of these and I need to interrogate each one in turn. It would be much easier if the log file (or, better still, a grid view) showed t...
Richard Body over 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Reporting / Visualization 0 Gathering support