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Product Info360 Asset
Created by Martha Nunez
Created on Jun 20, 2023

Support for inspection reversals

Note that this is Linked to ADO Case

Inspections are sometimes abandoned in one direction for a number of reasons. It is then normal for a CCTV contractor to start from the other end and complete what is called a "reverse inspection". This means there will be one inspection starting from the upstream end and another starting from the downstream end.

The two inspections combined will constitute a single inspection for the purposes of calculating the pipe's condition rating. The two inspections should be considered and handled this way if the following applies:

  1. The two inspections on the same pipe but in different directions were carried out on the same day or within 24 hours of each other. Could argue to broaden the requirement into having the following: inspections have a final observation code of "SA" - survey abandoned; carried out by the same field crew; the pipe diam and material are the same. NB- you could argue to drop the date/time requirement and leave it up to the user to decide how long between reverse inspections to consider as a single inspection.

A suggested workflow is as follows:

  1. the two inspections are imported as usual - this could be during the same upload or in different batch.

  2. after ingesting the inspection(s), the system will determine if the recent inspections are reverse inspections. This can be done by searching for another inspection using the rule above OR this could be left up to the condition programme manager to decide by using the filter and sorting tools.

  3. If a potential reverse inspection is discovered the two inspections could be selected in the Inspection List Table. Could have a filter by selection so that only those two inspections are showing in the table.

  4. The user can now confirm if the two inspections are actually reverse inspections by looking at the inspection details during the verification process.

  5. The ACTION button could have a new option "Merge". This will only be available for those inspection NOT in Approved status.

  6. Upon selecting to Merge a new Inspection will be created that will be a combination of the two inspections

    1. Combined list of Observations in correct chainage order

      1. Images should be available from the two combined inspections

      2. We currently do not support multiple videos per inspection. So suggestion is to provide a link to each reverse inspection video to view outside the application and/or simply link to each of the reverse set up inspections where the associated video can be viewed. Need to think about navigation between the reverse inspections and the merged inspection.

    2. Header details from the upstream inspection (this will be considered as the PRIMARY inspection:

      1. We should provide some indication that the inspection is a result of merge of two reversals

      2. The header details should be copied from the Upstream inspections

        1. The surveyed length field should be the sum of the two reverse inspections

  7. The images for each defect should be available for viewing

  8. We cannot currently display 2 CCTV videos in the Inspection Observation page so we need UX to come up with suggestions as to how a user can navigate from the combined list of defects to the original video(s).

  9. The merged inspection status should be set to Ready - no point in setting to Missing Media because the media requirement will be for the two videos from the two original partial inspections.

  10. If confirmed as reverse inspections, the scoring algorithm should combine the two inspections to calculate the ratings. The same rule as above can be used to ensure that the correct two inspections are used. It is the combined ratings and grades that will be displayed on the pipe asset details page, drawn on the map and made available for use in the risk and/or rehab model.

  11. We need to ensure that the geometry of the two reverse inspections are drawn on the map with the defects correctly positioned and the 2-part geometry from either end of the pipe (with the missing gap - is this possible through multipart line support). This will illustrate that the pipe has reverse inspections and indicate that a part of the pipe has NOT been inspected.

  12. Selecting the pipe will then display the two reverse inspections AND the newly created Inspection in the Property Summary section on the map.

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