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InfoWater Pro

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Apply two-valve isolation for criticality analysis

For some projects we need to isolate the repair area with two closed valves in all directions in case one valve were to fail. Please incorporate this as an option in criticality analysis when summing affected customers
Nathan Gerdts over 1 year ago in InfoWater Pro / Other 0 Gathering support

Limit InfoWater Pro Results Output for External Applications to Certain Runs

Currently, when using the "EXT_APP_FILTER" setting to output results in .dbf format for selected elements, .dbf files are created for every single scenario that is run, although the .dbf output files might not be needed for all scenarios. This unn...
Christene Razafimaharo over 1 year ago in InfoWater Pro / Productivity 0 Gathering support

Zoom to domain when inactive facilities selected

When inactive facilities are included in the domain, clicking the "Zoom domain" button only zooms to the extent of the active facilities in the domain. If only inactive facilities are part of the domain (no active facilities at all), then this but...
Colin Ricks over 1 year ago in InfoWater Pro / Productivity 0 Gathering support

Specify number of demands

I almost never need to use all 10 demand fields in InfoWater. The ability to specify the number of demand fields needed would save space in the demand DB table and in the Model Explorer window and make viewing these windows easier.
Colin Ricks almost 5 years ago in InfoWater Pro / Other 2 Under consideration

Include an "excluded search nodes" warning in fireflow output table

When the design pressure exceeds the static pressure at a particular node, that node will be excluded from a design fireflow model run. The output table should include a banner at the top listing the excluded nodes, as these can make a big differe...
Guest over 3 years ago in InfoWater Pro / Engine 0 In progress

Modify How InfoSurge Counts Features for Licensing

We have 20,000-pipe InfoSurge licenses. We frequently have operational models larger than that, where we want to perform Surge modeling. Even if we deactivate portions of the network, InfoSurge still counts the total number of features. This waste...
Guest almost 4 years ago in InfoWater Pro 1 Will not implement

New Feature is Active in All Scenarios Option (InfoWater/Pro)

Add a tools/options option so when you add new features they will be active in all scenarios, instead of getting errors 100 times for every scenario you try to run where the features were not included originally. This would be especially useful wh...
Guest almost 4 years ago in InfoWater Pro / Productivity 0 Gathering support

Add multiple rows to the InfoWater "Rule Header" DB table

In the "Pipe Control" or "Node Control" DB tables, I can insert or append multiple rows at once. In the "Rule Header" DB table, I can only insert or append one row at a time, and each row must have an ID. Please make the behavior of this table co...
Colin Ricks almost 2 years ago in InfoWater Pro 0 Under consideration

Simple Criticality Assessment Manager reporting in InfoWater Pro

I want a simple report for each pounded area between valves, reporting the length of pipe affected, number of customers, number of critical customers, amount of demand taken offline by isolation, and possibly the total volume of demand lost betwee...
Guest about 4 years ago in InfoWater Pro 0 Under consideration

Report volume stored in all tanks

I can calculate volume from level, but it's an extra step and requires that I copy the run results out to Excel. It's even more difficult if I have a non-circular tank. Please include tank volume in the tank results and in the "System Demand" report.
Colin Ricks about 4 years ago in InfoWater Pro / Productivity 1 Gathering support