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InfoWorks WS Pro

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Attach document for reference when creating a scenario

See attached picture. When I create a new scenario, I would like to attach documents, like email message from line manager who requested to simulate this scenario, or drawings,.......etc. This will help me to remember after long time why I did thi...
Mohammed Abdallah 6 months ago in InfoWorks WS Pro 0 Gathering support

Improve "update from live data" performance

big models with many live data points connected to control takes a long time to update.
Pieter Piens over 2 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro 0 Gathering support

Add million imperial gallon unit for Reservoir Curve Volume

Check attached picture
Mohammed Abdallah 6 months ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Productivity 3 Gathering support

add HL/1000 to graphs

When you create a graph object to graph data from objects for multiple simulations against each other, there is no option to add HL/1000 data. Everything else is there but HL/1000 is missing. Please add this to the list.
Ben Davies over 1 year ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Other 0 Gathering support

roll back commit history

We can see what the commit history is, but if you made a mistake and committed it there's no way to go back without making a new branch. Would be good to be able to roll back changes to a selected point in the commit history so your mistake isn't...
Ben Davies almost 3 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro 1 Gathering support

Parallel Computing for Optimising Simulation Times in Massive Network Models

Working with Infoworks WS Pro we have seen that the software never uses more than 2 logical processor without reaching more than 20% of CPU capacity. As a users we would like to take advantage of multi-threaded CPUs to accelerate simulation intens...
Juan Carlos Ortega over 1 year ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Cloud Simulations / Engine / Productivity 4 Gathering support

As a planner, I want a single, integrated modelling platform to represent the water supply, sewerage and drainage (1D/2D) system.

Melbourne Water has successfully completed a pilot modelling study using InfoWorks ICM to build a single integrated model to represent the water supply, sewerage and drainage system (including overland flooding) for a proposed redevelopment area (...
Andy Chan over 5 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Data Exchange 0 Gathering support

Multi-fireflow in WS Pro

Currently, the available built-in fireflow options in WS Pro run for individual nodes/hydrants as if no hydrant in the system is open. Adding the ability to run multiple hydrants that are opened simultaneously will be very useful.
Guest about 4 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Engine 0 Gathering support

graph all sources on a singe graph in quality runs

The graphing tool in a quality run now only alows for two different sources. but I would like to know the consistency of water on any point in time of all defined scource nodes. E.G. the consistency of node X is 36% from source X, 13% from source ...
Pieter Piens about 3 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Water Quality 0 Gathering support

Optimize PRV Settings, including flow modulated PRVs

I want a tool that can help define the minimum pressure setting at a PRV to provide required pressure to downstream customers under expected demands. In addition, in cases where I have flow modulated PRV's, I want the tool to provide a curve of pr...
Guest over 3 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Automation 0 Gathering support