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Flood Studies Update: Ireland

Add support for the Met-Eireann DDF Irish Rainfall Data. The IDF data can be downloaded from a website and automatically uploading this data would be a big time-saver for users in Ireland.
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 1 Already exists

Retain/Lock dummy MH names

Can we get a function to lock/retain MH numbers, If you have multiple dummy MH's and need to make changes any name you have given to these is lost when renumbering. You then need to go through the whole process again.
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 1 Already exists

Swale with pipe under connected by manholes

Could not model real-life scenario where the pipe was under as conveyance for lesser events and raised via vented manholes into the swale above. Need integrated solution and was unable to model both and connect via manholes.
Guest about 1 year ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 1 Already exists

Enable drawnet manhole changes

Enable the manholes assigned to impermeable areas on drawnet to be changed. It is currently not possible to change the manhole when editing a network meaning the areas have to be deleted then recreated. Being able to change the manhole would save...
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 1 Already exists

Change the size / dimensions of multiple manholes at once

MicroDrainage Network It would be very useful if it was possible to change the dims of many manholes at once. It'a a very laborious and time consuming task to change each dimension one-by-one, especially if the network is very large!
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 1 Already exists

InfoDrainage - replace stormwater outline with DXF (or other similar file)

Would be useful to be able to 'replace outline' of a stormwater control by importing a polygon (e.g. DXF, SHP etc), rather than the existing options which are just to redraw in ID only. Every project there seems to be need to replace an outline fr...
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 1 Already exists

Looking for Velocity in new Flex Reporting

Is velocity included? Having trouble finding this parameter in the new flex report
Jess Ewing 9 months ago in InfoDrainage / Reporting 3 Already exists

Switch design return periods when running cascade analysis

I would like to be able to build a single cascade model & able run it for various design return periods instead of needing to create separate cascade models for each return period.
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 1 Already exists

Status Bar to report more significant figures

The status bar currently only displays levels (ground model level, water depth) to 1 decimal place. 2 Decimal places would be much more useful, Especially to ensure a node is at a low point or in the gutter invert..
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 1 Already exists

Import/export of asset data to/from CSV

DSD import/export for MicroDrainage exists but HydroWorks is now dead. A more generic import/export would be beneficial for exchange of information with other drainage simulation packages and with GIS systems for existing networks; something simil...
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 1 Already exists