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InfoWorks ICM

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Pump Station Modelling

Infoworks ICM pump station modelling principle is very basic, adding a pump between two nodes is highly hypothetical. There is no way to add pump station head losses. I would like to suggest incorporating pump station modelling (for Rotodynamic pu...
Guest almost 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydraulics / Pumps 1 Gathering support

Using SWMM5 treatment equations at a node or link in ICM Networks

Users would like to use SWMM5 Buildup Washoff in ICM Networks AND the SWMM5 treatment equations at a node or link in the ICM St Venant solution. ICM SWMM networks have both options but for the purposes of using the powerful routing solution in I...
ROBERT DICKENSON over 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Treatment / Water Quality 2 Gathering support

Ability to select multiple upstream traces at once

It would be useful to be able to hold ctrl / shift / alt or another keyboard link to be able to visualise multiple upstream traces at once. So after one trace has been selected, we could hold a key down and make another selection and retain all tr...
Lydia Crowther over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / Network 0 Gathering support

Allow to add non-equidistance rainfall data

Allow to add non-equidistance rainfall data
Rowan De Costa 9 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Rainfall 2 Gathering support

Add 2D result labels for ICM mesh elements

I would like to display the 2D results (depth, elevation, velocity) at each individual GRID cell using labels. This is currently available in XPSWMM, so I would like the same functionality in InfoWorks ICM as I would rather not have to export the...
Guest almost 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Labels / Results 1 Gathering support

As a user, I need to burn the 1D river into ground model, so the flooding extent inside the 1D river channel is shown accurately

HEC-RAS has a tool in RAS Mapper doing just that.
Guest over 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Terrain 2 Gathering support

RTC - New time range to allow "between 2 dates" every year

In a similar way to the way "time repeat" works, can we have an RTC range that works between the same 2 dates every year. I have a catchment where the operating protocol works differently in the Bathing Season from the rest of the year. Having a w...
John Sourbutts over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / RTC 0 Gathering support

Play/Pause button

Current play and pause buttons (when viewing simulation results) are separate. I realise there are step buttons but if I want to start/stop quickly, whilst looking at the results instead of where the mouse is, then it's more convenient as a single...
Matthew Paul 9 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Productivity 0 Gathering support

Long-sections: Centre Geoplan on the selected link

It would be handy if the Geoplan centred on the selected link when selecting a long section. It seems every time select a long-section the windows split into two halves, one for the geoplan, the other for the long-section. As a result the link I j...
Benjamin Mauck almost 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Long Section / Profile 0 Gathering support

Infoworks ICM- Sewage Temperature Modelling and Heat Losses

The following features should be added to Infoworks ICM for modelling temperature impacts for Heat extraction or heat insertion projects: - Sewage temperature to be added in WWG file as a pollutograph parameter and can also be defined in a diurnal...
Guest over 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Temperature / Wastewater 0 Gathering support