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InfoWorks ICM

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Customization of Grid Windows in InfoWorks ICM

Allow custom grid window layouts in InfoWorks ICM, much like the Property window. Allow the user to reorganize the columns, change the column widths, or hide unnecessary columns, and save it as a layout to be applied as a default.
Dave White over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Grids 9 Gathering support

Ability to apply blockage percent

Applying pipe blockage is a standard required in Australia and the functionality in ICM to do this is not user friendly (using blockage links). A simple % pipe blockage in the conduit properties should really be an option. This is particular the c...
Guest over 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydraulics 3 Gathering support

Merge pond and storage nodes and increase their functionality

Pond nodes: - allow variable infiltration at different levels (up to 3 different rates) - allow variable perimeter with level i.e. plan area through which side infiltration can occurs can vary - no porosity function Storage nodes: - 1 porosity va...
Lizzie over 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydraulics / SUDS 1 Gathering support

Pause simulations during server restarts

Please could we have an ability to pause simulations whilst an InfoWorks ICM server is restarted? As part of the wider drive to reduce CSO spills there is an increasing need to run long time series through sewer models. This can require models to ...
Tom Walker almost 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Simulations 1 Gathering support

Re-order objects in Tree View

Can it be possible to re-order objects within an InfoWorks ICM model Group. As objects can get added or superseded over time. So to aid model audits and ease of use, it would be really beneficial to have an option to re-order. Thanks
Tom Walker over 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Productivity / Tree View 1 Gathering support

Python scripting API for ICM

Our team uses Python scripting extensively for data analysis and manipulation, while Ruby is foreign to us. Please provide scripting support for Python for model manipulation and analysis.
Guest over 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / API / Exchange 0 Gathering support

Units for catchment area: add km²

The choice of display units of the catchment area (under Tools--> Options--> Units) is now limited to ha or acre, which is not convenient for our river subcatchments. It would be useful to add the possibility of km².
Michael Huybrighs over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / Other 0 Gathering support

Pruning does not sub reassign drainage links correctly

When pruning, subcatchment drainage manholes are reassigned to the first modeled downstream manhole. However, when pruning subcatchments that drain to single or multiple links, ICM gives incorrect results in some cases and doesn't work at all in o...
Andrew Fugal almost 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Productivity 0 Gathering support

Sub catchment Ground Slope

Currently ICM isn't equipped with the tools to calculate the slope from an underlying ground model or 2D zone so this will need to be determined outside of the program. Can you include the ability for the program to calculate an average catchment ...
Guest almost 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydrology / Terrain 0 Gathering support

Copying view from one network to another

It would be useful to be able to take the view from one open network (X, Y and Zoom level) and apply it quickly to another network - e.g. to do a quick visual comparison between the two networks.
John Sourbutts almost 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Productivity 4 Gathering support