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Dissolve river reaches into multiple river reaches

It would be great to have the capability to generate automatically and perfectly snapped nodes in all/some of the X-sections of one/multiple river reaches in ICM and therefore split that river reach into various river reaches (kind of the opposite...
Guest about 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / River Modeling 0 Gathering support

Simple means to set initial storage area water surface elevations

Please incorporate a system for setting initial water surface elevations in storage nodes that works as easily as the process is in XPSWMM or HEC-RAS. The program should hold this water level during warm-up stabilization.
Guest about 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydraulics / Simulations 0 Gathering support

Call the 'Total storage calculation' function from a ruby script and write the output into a csv-file

It would be a great feature to call the 'Total storage calculation' function from a ruby script and write the output into a csv-file. If it is not possible to call the build-In function from ruby, it would also help to call the 'storage calculat...
Guest over 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / API / Exchange / Export Data / Ponds/Storage 0 Gathering support

Export river cross sections for an ICM model

At present, ICM river cross sections can only be exported to dwg one by one. It would be helpful to be able to export all the modelled cross sections in a single operation (eg via data export centre)
Guest over 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Export Data / River Modeling 0 Gathering support

Update user defined vortex controls in ICM so hydrobrake head discharge curves can be modelled

Current user defined vortex controls don't accept head discharge curves where the discharge reduces for increasing head i.e. what happens in a hydrobrake. It would be useful to get this updated to ensure consistency between ICM and drainage design.
Guest over 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydraulics 0 Gathering support

Add sub-grid sampling functionality to the ICM 2D engine

And sub-grid sampling visualizations, please :)
Haddon Smith almost 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / 2D Flooding / Mesh / Terrain 1 Gathering support

Varying conduit/culvert shape along its length

When modelling irregular culverts, the shape of culvert usually varies along its length as well. EX: Culvert having 900mm dia at inlet, varies along its length and at outlet has 500mm. Can this be included in the options for transition of shape al...
Guest 12 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / River Modeling 1 Gathering support

RTC - Allow data to be pasted into tables and it automatically generate the rows

The only way to add new rows to an RTC Table is to manual click on them - if would be better if you could paste a large number of rows from Excel and it auto-generates the rows in the same way as when pasting data into the Inflow table.
David Beesley almost 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / RTC 0 Gathering support

Revision to manhole representation

ICM's default representation of manholes could be more accurate. The limitations of current setup allows accurate representation of either the shaft or the benching but not both. Thus most people tend to apply chamber areas to invert which overest...
Guest about 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydraulics 0 Gathering support

Improvement on the Numerical Correction Process in ICM

The current procedure for ‘Numerical Correction’ in ICM requires users to remove any existing values to calculate the correction (for Preismann and Base flow) before the inbuilt routine is run. If this wasn't made the calculated correction values ...
Guest about 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydraulics 1 Gathering support