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Product InfoWorks ICM
Categories River Modeling
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 17, 2020

Dissolve river reaches into multiple river reaches

It would be great to have the capability to generate automatically and perfectly snapped nodes in all/some of the X-sections of one/multiple river reaches in ICM and therefore split that river reach into various river reaches (kind of the opposite tool of the river reach merging tool). The two main applications for this are 1) If you need to connect a pipe to a river reach and you need to add a new node that will interpolate a new X-section somewhere and will cause the river reach polygon to be outdated, so you need to generate it again... it is just a pain. If the software could automatically insert those nodes perfectly snapped to existing cross sections that would make the process of connecting pipes to river reaches more efficient. 2)Another application is when you need to split a river reach in two because there is a sudden change of slope and you might have different water depths US and DS of that slope change (e.g. subcritical flow becoming supercritical because of a sudden slope change). When the river reaches does not have a node there it is forced to have a single water depth there, something that generally creates big instabilities. However, if you add a node there then the software can have different water depth US and DS of the node so the model becomes more stable. Having this capability of inserting nodes in existing river reaches X-sections will make debugging steep unstable river models much more easier.
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