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Operational Modeling

Showing 6

Distribution Network Energy Optimization

Minimize the pumping costs of water distribution while satisfying water demand and operational constraints (water levels, pressure, pump station capacities, future maintenance operations, etc).
Nathan Gerdts 6 months ago in InfoWater Pro / Operational Modeling 0 Gathering support

Provide option to allow for several multipliers and use with selection sets

In addition to a global multiplier, sometimes you want to peak certain areas and selection sets with specific peaking factors. WaterCAD allows for this under their calculation options.
Michele Marston 7 months ago in InfoWater Pro / Operational Modeling 0 Gathering support

Group InfoWater Pro pumps into a pump station object that aggregates results

As a modeler I want to summarize the behavior of a pump station of multiple pumps using a polygon. This helps me summarize energy usage and total flow without needing to select arbirary upstream or downstream objects. This also helps simplify syst...
Guest over 3 years ago in InfoWater Pro / Operational Modeling 1 Gathering support

Adjust VSP "Control Value" during model run with Basic Controls

Seems like a fundamental control to be able to adjust a pump's target flow rate dynamically, for a high/low flow setpoint based on tank levels or other triggers. I can currently adjust the speed setting in basic rules, but trying to hit a target f...
Eric King over 1 year ago in InfoWater Pro / Operational Modeling 2 Gathering support

Isolation Scenario Using Dummy Valves Which Do Not Split Pipes

Can you put a valve on top of a pipe (not splitting the pipe) and then it closes the section? And then anything enclosed to these multiple valves will be isolated? This is going to be useful for modelling of isolation scenarios
Guest about 1 year ago in InfoWater Pro / Operational Modeling 3 Gathering support

Customize pipe ID field in UDF field journal

Currently the model ID's are populated in the "Pipes to Flush" box of the UDF field journal. We store our GIS Asset ID in an information field. We want to use this field as the basis of communication with field teams.
Guest over 4 years ago in InfoWater Pro / Operational Modeling 0 Gathering support