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Support for ArcEngine Functions for background layers (no x32 bit support)

The current x64 version of ICM cannot use the ArcEngine / ArcGIS Desktop funcionality, in contrast to previous x32 bit versions of ICM. Since only x64 bit version is now supported, this feature cannot be used. It is one of the most important featu...
Elliot Egan about 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / GIS Layers 0 Under consideration

Time series results for thematic maps

In the current state you need to add simulation results to a model and then preform a SQL to add a TSR result to a userfield. It would be easier to just add TSR results to the thematic SQL options.
Farhan Meke 8 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Theme 3 Under consideration

Auto themes

When themes are set and the upper and lower values for a set of themes have been defined, the auto themes button starts with the non linear interpolation between the minimum and maximum value, it would be great if this interpolation could initiall...
Guest about 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Visualization 0 Under consideration