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Product InfoWater Pro
Created by Joe Lawrence
Created on Oct 18, 2021

Critical Node Pressure at Design Flow

Please add a column in the Fireflow Design results that displays the "Critical Node Pressure at Design Flow". The column titled “Critical Pressure for Design Run” currently displays the input criteria as it can vary for each node. However, this is not as useful when troubleshooting or reviewing the model results. As an example, if a fire flow run is velocity limited it would be nice to know the lowest pressure node and its pressure in the critical node search domain. It may not have reached the minimum pressure if limited by the velocity constraint (i.e. how close did the critical node pressure come to the minimum pressure criteria?). In short, it would be helpful to review the critical node pressure “… at Available Flow”, “… at Fire Demand”, AND “… at Design Run.”
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  • Bill Maggiore
    Aug 8, 2023

    I agree that we need this column because sometimes the model doesnt converge exactly on the input, leading to misleading design fireflow results.

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    Nathan Gerdts
    Aug 5, 2023

    This is a good suggestion for cases like velocity limited conditions as you mention and it may prevent confusion we we receive from modelers reviewing our results. Thank you!