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InfoWorks WS Pro

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Add support to the GIS Layer Control

In recent releases of WS Pro none of the map control options work except MapXtreme, and most useful background layers are in WMTS, not WMS. So we now have no background layers. Please add WMTS support to the map control options so we can use backg...
Ben Davies 6 days ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Other 0 For Review

Add a feature for deselection of a group of elements in Geoplan

Many times we use polygon select feature to select elements in a particular extent, but there is no option of deselecting a small area within that selection - like in Arc Map
Ashwini 6 days ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Operations 0 For Review

Allow sequencing of simulations and selections lists

It would be good if we can change the sequence of the simulations, selection sets etc to make them easier to find - especially when creating different scenarios
Ashwini 6 days ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Other 0 For Review

Easier data exchange for pump curves

We want an easy way to export out all pump data, including the pump curve information.Currently to do this using Open Data Export Centre, you need to manually add the pump triplet fields after clicking Auto-map.We want an easier way to get all the...
Nathan Gerdts 20 days ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Data Exchange 1 For Review

Templates for GMR Config Objects

We have a large team of modelers that manage many different GMR runs. It's important to keep the Output and Analysis options matching between these runs.We want to manage a central template to define and control consistent options between many GMR...
Nathan Gerdts 7 months ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Productivity 0 For Review

Run Ruby Exchange Scripts from UI

It would be useful to have an official mechanism for running an Exchange script from the UI. While it would be useful to have access to more Exchange methods in UI Ruby scripts, this could act as a stop-gap or cover other use cases where a method ...
Dave Watts 3 months ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Automation 0 For Review

Ruby Access to Scenarios (e.g. Object Differences)

WS Pro currently support adding, switching, and deleting scenarios via WSOpenNetwork methods - but there is limited access to scenarios beyond this such as editing comments, or viewing which objects have been added, modified, or removed. I think t...
Dave Watts 4 months ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Automation 0 For Review

Improve SQL spatial search to join line objects based on overlap

GIS data often misses pipe splits or lacks suitable asset IDs in the model. Updating the model over time from changes in GIS would be improved by having an option to exchange data and flags spatially through SQL Query (after primary data exchange ...
Nathan Gerdts 6 months ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Data Exchange 0 For Review

Model Build Automation Interface

Updating models from GIS and other sources requires a careful sequence of many steps that InfoWorks supports through various tools. However, scripting is the only way to assemble that in a repeatable seqeunce of tasks. As a modeler, I want a tool ...
Nathan Gerdts 6 months ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Automation 0 For Review

Provide selected editing option for multiple objects like link, nodes at once.

Hi. I was building a model in WS Pro where I came across that after running validation, we don't have option of editing pipe diameter at once for multiple pipes editing, if there is such option available please let me know, or else you can add thi...
Guest about 2 months ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Modeler 0 For Review