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Sort Manhole Schedules in Numerical Order

Hello, It should be possible to sort Manhole Schedules in Numerical Order - currently the randomness has lead to many questions & queries from site which has a risk for setting out/construction errors. It should also be possible to add MH type...
Guest 6 months ago in InfoDrainage / Reporting 0 For Review

Correct resizing of pop-up windows activated through C3D toolbar

Due to issues with my eyesight I use the accessibility settings on my computer to increase the standard text sizes for applications. When using the InfoDrainage toolbar in Civil 3D pop-up menus don't resize to match the updated display settings. I...
Michael McWhinnie 3 months ago in InfoDrainage / Other 0 For Review

Basin / Swale inlets pick up IL at point of entry, not the bed level

Inlets automatically pick up down stream bed level of SWC. Inlet pipes have to be locked, with the IL's calculated manually which can be difficult to get right along a basin or swale that is long and winding. Would it be possible for the IL pipe t...
Guest 8 months ago in InfoDrainage / Productivity 0 For Review

Robust pond editor

Add options for complex pond shapes and items. Many municipalities now require items like latorial shelves, forebays, baffles, etc. these items do influence the detention time in the pond and can have effects on staging. While the size items can b...
Corey Balenger 5 months ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 0 For Review

Inclusion of FEH UK Rainfall Data

Can FEH rainfall data (all versions) be available to select just like it is for FRS data in the rainfall manager rather than having to retrieve these from another website. More and more authorities are asking for FEH data to be used
Guest 5 months ago in InfoDrainage / Rainfall 1 For Review

Orifice and Grate options - Outlet Control Structure

I suggest incorporating advanced features for modeling orifices and grates. Specifically, the following modifications would be beneficial: Orientation Settings: Introduce options to define the orientation of orifices and grates, allowing users to ...
Guest 7 months ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 0 For Review

5min Storm Duration for ARR Analysis

Currently, the minimum duration for storms built by the ARR generator is 10min. For drainage design in Aus the minimum time of concentration is 5min. The BOM IFDs give a 5min intensity/depth while the ARR Data hub only gives 10min temporal distrib...
matthew.piggott 9 months ago in InfoDrainage / Rainfall 1 For Review