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InfoWater Pro

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Initial Status Setting Saved to Model Preferences

Currently the "Show Pipe, Pump and Valve Initial Status" under the Display Settings tab in the model Preferences window will not stay checked after you save, close, and reopen the model. Please have this option/setting maintain the last setting wh...
Joe Lawrence over 3 years ago in InfoWater Pro 0 Launched

Allow the InfoWater Pro "Live Data Adapter" to Batch Import Sensor

When user has a lot of sensors they need to add to the Live Data Adapter, it is really hard to add one by one. We need a way to batch import the sensor using some kind of csv file.
Guest over 3 years ago in InfoWater Pro 0 Launched

InfoWater Pro report manager bug

In the InfoWater Pro (v3.5, update #3) report manager, the "Remove All" button only removes some of the reports.
Colin Ricks over 3 years ago in InfoWater Pro 0 Launched

Link to Examples

Do you have an expounded example of each InfoWater Allocation Method with examples? It will help if a link is established to get directed to that documentation. For example; can you help me get directed to an example Closest Junction allocation me...
Guest about 4 years ago in InfoWater Pro 3 Launched

Sorting 'Live Data Points’ by "Finish Date and Time" column

Sorting 'Live Data Points’ by "Finish Date and Time" column In ‘Live Data Points’ tab it is not possible to sort items by grey fields such as "Start Date and Time" or "Finish Date and Time". I want to sort on "Finish Date and Time" so that assets...
Guest over 4 years ago in InfoWater Pro 0 Launched

Trace an isolation to a 2-valve shut down

Denver Water has a massive outage program that runs a minimum of 6 months per year. All outages are modeled. For nearly all outages, 2 valves are shut down for safety. Having the isolation trace in IWLive contain an option to trace to the 2nd valv...
Guest about 5 years ago in InfoWater Pro 0 Launched

Enhance the performance of domains in InfoWater Pro

There is no reason an ArcGIS selection should work 5-50x faster than using domain tools in InfoWater. ArcGIS made great enhancements to ArcGIS Pro and utilizing a 64-bit environment. InfoWater could be much improved from a performance perspective
Guest about 5 years ago in InfoWater Pro 0 Launched

I would like to symbolize fire flow results using the Map Display feature.

It would be really helpful to visualize fire flow results such as Hydrant Available Flow in formats such as contours or changing the symbology of junctions. This provides a quick visual of the system and deficient areas or where boundary condition...
Guest about 5 years ago in InfoWater Pro 1 Launched

Hi Innovyze, I would like to request in the InfoWater Designer add-on group limits(only currently set to 100) similar to InfoSWMM limit .

The current InfoWater add-on Designer has limit of 100 groups that can be assigned to the model pipes, pumps and tanks. I have recently found from a colleague that the InfoSWMM add-on Designer has unlimited groups for pipe and other variables. ...
Guest about 5 years ago in InfoWater Pro 0 Launched

Add a button or function key to re-run the last model run

This would speed up the process of model calibration, where I would be adjusting a pipe roughness, PRV or PS control and run the model after each adjustment. Instead of opening the run schedule and clicking run and then ok, a run button or functio...
Guest over 4 years ago in InfoWater Pro 2 Launched