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Structure flow mode reported in the results

Sometimes when evaluating results at structures we see strange results that require investigation; invariably we find out that this is because the flow mode has changed. (e.g. from free to drowned). It would be very helpful if the ICM results were...
Richard Body over 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Grids / Reporting / Results 0 Gathering support

Wet Well Graph

As a modeler, I would like to see a plot showing everything for a pump station in one place. See the attached figure. Inflow/outflow and the flows from each pump. The 3D chart helps a lot showing which line is which.
Guest almost 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Results 0 Gathering support

Schedule Jobs - remove Any computer

Ability to remove 'Any Computer' option from Schedule jobs window.
Guest almost 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Productivity / Simulations 1 Gathering support

Graph sum of multiple objects instead of each selected object

While looking at multiple drainage areas in a basin (in my example), results can become hard to read; it would be nice if you could graph multiple objects and have the option to see the summation of the selection instead of each individual item.
Andrew (AJ) Czubai about 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Reporting / Results 0 Gathering support

Detention Time Modelling

We would like the model to calculate detention time of sewer in a simulation. The idea is similar to water age calculation in WS. The aim is to use this as a proxy for odour study, in essence we would like to be able to create thematic maps to sho...
Guest about 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Reporting / Results / Wastewater 0 Gathering support

Enable remote simulations with state files without local agent being active

When running (very) long time series, we often split up simulations in shorter blocks and link them via final/initial states (mainly to prevent total loss of results in case something happens near the end of the simulation, and to make results mor...
Guest over 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Performance / Productivity / Simulations 0 Gathering support

As a User I want to use FME ( to manipulate model data, update the model & extract results.

No description provided
Guest almost 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Data Exchange / Network / Results 0 Gathering support

Modelling of Septicity

As a sewer modeller I have occasionally been asked about odour generation in sewer networks. I have noticed that DO (dissolved oxygen) and BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) are both inputs in the wastewater and trade-waste model groups of Infoworks ...
Guest over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Results / Simulations / Water Quality 0 Gathering support

Statistic Report Enhancement

Provide a way to enhance the statistical report to allow specific criteria above a threshold.
Guest over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Reporting / Statistics 0 Gathering support

Export both the result and the underlying property fields

When the model results are displayed on the webpage through Exchange, since the basic properties need to be viewed, the corresponding basic properties of the results need to be exported first, and then the results are matched to the basic properti...
Liu Qiusheng about 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Export Data / Simulations 0 Gathering support