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Parallel Computing for Optimising Simulation Times in Massive Network Models

Working with Infoworks WS Pro we have seen that the software never uses more than 2 logical processor without reaching more than 20% of CPU capacity. As a users we would like to take advantage of multi-threaded CPUs to accelerate simulation intens...
Juan Carlos Ortega over 1 year ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Cloud Simulations / Engine / Productivity 4 Gathering support

Multi-fireflow in WS Pro

Currently, the available built-in fireflow options in WS Pro run for individual nodes/hydrants as if no hydrant in the system is open. Adding the ability to run multiple hydrants that are opened simultaneously will be very useful.
Guest about 4 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Engine 0 Gathering support

Field construction year reference for simulation run.

The field construction year of each object type from WS Pro are not linked to the simulation runtime, so you can get information for future infrastructures that you need to move away from your model or transfer to a new model or scenario. It wo...
Guest over 1 year ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Engine 1 Gathering support

Temperature variation for the PSO bulk chlorine decay model in the MSQ module of InfoWorks

The reactive-constituent (PSO) chlorine decay model (Fisher et al. 2017) was provided to users in the MSQ module of InfoWorks in July 2020 (see the MSQ blog for details). A major advantage of this model is that only a single set of four model coef...
Guest over 3 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Engine 1 Gathering support

Insufficient channel modeling

Impossibility of simulating the operation of a "real" channel with different sections created by different cameras: derivation, shipones, ...
Juan Carlos Ortega almost 2 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Engine 0 Gathering support

Making a run in WS/WSpro now a (big) list of yellow warnings pop up. By using an optional selection of (run)validation items not anymore

Making a run in WS/WSpro the input always gets fully validated including items not used. Those items creates a (big) list (e.g. 81.273) of yellow warnings. Besides run/validation time causes this a list of not wanted necessary warnings which makes...
Jeroen Fietje over 3 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Engine 0 Gathering support

As a user of InfoWorks WS PRO, I would like to better simulate FMV valves

In InfoWorks WS PRO is possible to simulate FMV valves, but I would like to introduce a "deviation" option to better simulate it. I give an example: imagine a valve whose pressure setting is 2 Bar if flow is from 0 to 10 L/s, and 2.5 Bar if flow i...
Paolo Boiardi almost 2 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Engine 0 Gathering support

WS Pro control should be based on current time step

Add option in WS Pro so that control status of objects is controlled by the flow solution in the current time step, not the previous time step. The way WS Pro currently works, with the control based on the previous TS often results in pump on/off ...
Haddon Smith almost 4 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Engine 0 Gathering support

As a user of InfoWorks WS PRO, I would like to better simulate FMV valves

In InfoWorks WS PRO is possible to simulate FMV valves, but I would like to introduce a "deviation" option to better simulate it. I give an example: imagine a valve whose pressure setting is 2 Bar if flow is from 0 to 10 L/s, and 2.5 Bar if flow ...
Paolo Boiardi almost 5 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Engine 0 Gathering support