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Allow pollutographs to apply on subcatchments

At the moment it is not possible to set a pollutograph for subcatchments, and the modeller is obliged first to run the hydrology, export the hydrograph, re-import the hydrograph as inflow, and finally re-run with a pollutograph
Richard Body over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydrology / Pollutants 0 Gathering support

Refine selection to include subcatchments draining to multiple links or other subcatchments

Subcatchments draining to a single link can already be added to an existing selection of node and links by using the refine option, if the upstream node of that link is selected. It would be interesting to have a similar extension for subcatchment...
Guest almost 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydrology / Reporting 0 Gathering support

Network overview window: split up of subcatchment areas with different runoff id

It would be very usefull to have in the Network Overview window a summation of the different subcatchment areas, sort by Runoff surface ID.
Richard Wilbrink almost 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydrology 0 Gathering support