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Create an option in the Domain Manager to add elements by ID

The workflow to add a list of element IDs to the domain is too complicated. Simplify this by creating a new option in the Domain Manager, it could just open a table where you set the number of rows and paste IDs from a list/table copied from a pro...
Grant Clemens about 1 year ago in InfoWater Pro / Productivity 2 Under consideration

Flow direction arrows default symbology

By default, flow direction arrows show up as blue for forward flow, red for backwards flow. This is a pointless distinction because for distribution systems, "forwards" or "backwards" depends on the direction the pipe was initially digitized and h...
Colin Ricks almost 2 years ago in InfoWater Pro / Productivity 0 Under consideration

Persistent Graphs in InfoWater/InfoWater Pro

Stored graphs aren't that great. Why not just make graphs persistent?
Guest about 4 years ago in InfoWater Pro / Productivity 2 Under consideration