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Status For Review
Categories Asset Management
Created by Bradley Nissley
Created on Feb 7, 2020

InfoAsset Planner - User Defined Scoring Range "Breaker" values in COF/LOF

When selecting unique values in "Step 5 - Set Score Range" from within the COF/LOF wizard, it is not possible to add additional, user defined rows. I have a COF that scores a value from a table listing a severity as "Very Low", "Low", "Medium", "High" and "Very High" (scores = 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5), however, the data table does not have a row with "Low" as a rating. When the table is updated to include a row with a severity rating of "Low" the COF will not produce an accurate output since the value did not exist when the wizard was first run and therefore does not have score assigned to it (I'm guessing the value would default to 0 or 5). I would like to pre-empt this behaviour by assigning a score to a value that does not exist in the table yet, but will later on. Incidentally, data validation on the table in question only allows the five possibilities anyway so a scoring range with all five possibilities pre-listed would ensure that the COF results are complete even as new data is added.
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