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Product InfoWorks ICM
Categories 2D Flooding
Created by Gregory Smith
Created on Dec 15, 2022


Often, I have to duplicate multiple zones to attach different attributes, such as level, roughness, infiltration and even mesh size, It would be so much more efficient to be able to include all these attributes in a single zone type. For example, to select all building polygons and turn them into the SUPER zone; and then apply a roughness, infiltration, mesh size and raise them be say 300mm above the ground model. Utopia?
    Apr 24, 2023
    Thanks for the idea!
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    Sophia Buchanan
    May 28, 2023

    Thanks for the great idea! Buildings were added to 2024 which allows mesh elevations, roughness, porous polygons and subcatchments to be represented in a single polygon. Check out the what's new for more details and keep the ideas coming!


New polygon to represent "buildings" geometry and hydrology

This polygon would allow the user to set the roughness, porosity and flood threshold level all within a single polygon object - negating the need for many overlapping ones. Furthermore, the user is able to set the runoff characteristics for the bu...
Guest over 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydraulics 0 Launched