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Product InfoWorks ICM
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 18, 2019

Initialize reservoir levels from measured data in ICM / ICMLive

Currently I can force my live simulations to initialize with measured level using dummy outfalls and sluice gates that close after the simulation starts with RTC, but that's very cumbersome to maintain.
    Apr 24, 2023
    Going to set this to completed as the new SQL functionality achieves the desired end result and removes the need for dummy outfalls.
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  • Richard Body
    Jan 6, 2020
    Pascal, yes this works. One key thing is to make sure that the shift is a little bit longer than the time series interval, otherwise the level drains away as before. In my experiment I had hourly data and the dummy stream was shifted early by 4500 seconds (when I had it at 3600 seconds the level decreased towards zero). Observed data went on the reservoir outfall. This gave me what I wanted. It's still a little clunky but more elegant than having dummy outfalls etc.
  • Guest
    Nov 21, 2019
    I concur with the issue of runtime. Speed is of the essence in many forecasting applications, and finding a solution using TSDBs/TVD connectors to control reservoir levels without slowing down the simulation is important.
  • Richard Body
    Nov 5, 2019
    Thanks for the reply Pascal. The issue with using data assimilation is that run times using DA are much longer than non-DA runs and so may not provide an appropriate solution.
  • Richard Body
    Oct 21, 2019
    The same thing is true with observed discharges / abstractions
  • Guest
    Oct 18, 2019
    Very cumbersome right now for any water agency with reservoirs