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Enhance import/export of SWMM models for ICM platform

Enhance model import from SWMM5 INP files to include a few of the Open Data Import Center /Open Data Export Center options: • Only update existing records • Ignore existing objects • Overwrite, Merge, etc. • Export Selection only Ultimately we want to have a central model copy but have the ability to easily push out and in simple EPASWMM INP files for developers and others. When a new SWMM INP file comes back from another modeler, we’d like a good way to update the existing model from that. It would be great if this applied to both SWMM and SIM networks.
    Apr 24, 2023
    As each INP is a set of physical conditions and event data, the Open Data Import Center imports only the physical network objects.
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    • Guest
      Jul 23, 2020
      This is a request for better exchange with Networks in ICM, meaning the physical pipes and nodes.