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Product InfoWorks ICM
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 12, 2021

Ability to run ICM models on older versions of the engine

As a user, I'd like to install the latest version of the ICM UI but run my models using older versions of the engine. This would allow me to work on projects whose results have been generated by previous versions of the engine without having to install the UI just for that project. Otherwise, when working on projects for different customers I have to install numerous versions of ICM. This quite time consuming, especially when users are restricted from installing software by IT policies. Ideally, the engine list would only show versions where Innovyze made changes which could impact on results.
    Apr 24, 2023
    With the release of InfoWorks ICM 2023 and moving forward, the database version will no longer be tied to the UI version.   E.g. with the 2023.1 release update, one can open a 2023.0 database, and run the 2023 engine while missing out on the updated elements in the 2023.1 update.
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