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ICM - multiple monitors

provide the ability to move all windows to multiple monitors.
Guest almost 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Productivity 0 Will not implement

Add Live Modeling

Understand and manage water distribution networks better. Add live modeling to incorporate real-time performance data. Model water quality and age. Configure live alerts so operators can quickly see what areas need attention.
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoWater Pro 1 Will not implement

InfoAsset Planner - COF/LOF Wizard Pipe Inventory Table Join on Column other than FacilityID

During "Step 3 - Set Parameter (Pipe Inventory)" I would like to be able to join the Internal/External table using an InfoAsset Planner column other than the "FacilityID". For example it would be great to also have the option of using the "LegacyI...
Bradley Nissley about 5 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Asset Management 0 Will not implement

Add username to temp folder names to allow multiple users to model on the same cloud computer at the same time

Could InfoWater/InfoSWMM change how they name temp folders? Right now, if two users initialize a model on the same cloud computer at the same time, both models might try to use the same temp folder (like HMVDB1). Renaming temp folders to include t...
Andrew Fugal about 5 years ago in InfoWater Pro / Productivity 0 Will not implement

Reset the active facilities query without changing scenarios

When scenarios use a query set to define the active facilities, it would be useful to be able to re-run the query and update the active/inactive facilities without changing scenarios. Changing scenarios can be very slow for large models.
Colin Ricks about 5 years ago in InfoWater Pro / Productivity 1 Will not implement

Zoom-dependent visibility of flow direction arrows

Flow direction arrows slow down the display significantly when zooming out on a large model. It would be useful to specify the scale at which they will be shown, similar to ArcMap layers.
Colin Ricks about 5 years ago in InfoWater Pro / Productivity 1 Will not implement

need yes to all and no to all when prompted "do you want to delete all natural sections shapes used by the links?

No description provided
Guest over 5 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Storm, Sewer, Flood Modeling 1 Will not implement

ICM - Import of .XP files

Current workflow for importing a XPRAFTS or XPSWMM/XPSTORM model into ICM is to export the XP model to a .XPX file. This is problematic as a user will need to own a XP licence to complete this step and is not always the case. This is particularly ...
Guest almost 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Import data 1 Will not implement

Improve InfoWorks read/write code

The InfoWorks application uses the SMB protocol to read/write to a file share. Transferring a 2GB file we can see network speeds of 40Mpbs during the transfer with Infoworks. Simulating the same 2GB file transfer with Windows Explorer we see file ...
Tom Walker about 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Productivity 0 Will not implement

If the software is not used for a long time, it could be closed automatically

When users use the license of ICM networkd dongle, other users often occupy the permission of the software and cannot use it. Could ICM be set with a function that the software will automatically close if the user does not operate the software for...
Liu Qiusheng over 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Productivity 0 Will not implement