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InfoWorks ICM

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Improvement on the Numerical Correction Process in ICM

The current procedure for ‘Numerical Correction’ in ICM requires users to remove any existing values to calculate the correction (for Preismann and Base flow) before the inbuilt routine is run. If this wasn't made the calculated correction values ...
Guest about 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydraulics 1 Gathering support

ICMLive Viewer Licence

The ICM licence does not allow for the contents of Live groups to be seen. This has implications for the viewer licence. I would like to be able to access (but not edit) the contents of a live group. Can there therefore be an ICMLive Configuration...
Richard Body almost 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Live Modeling 0 Gathering support

Sort by Validation Error in Grid View

Allow columns in grid views to be sorted by validation error(s). This would make fixing validation errors much easier. For example, when modelled pipes/nodes are updated from the GIS, the Subcatchments sometimes lose their Node ID link as the nod...
Bradley Nissley over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Grids / Validation 0 Gathering support

Select Assets with a given User Flag in any Properties Field

Allow assets to be selected/sorted (SQL or Grid View) based on a flag value in any properties field. This would make some model build and QA tasks much easier. For example, data may be needed to properly model a serwerage pumping station but isn'...
Bradley Nissley over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Flags / Productivity 1 Gathering support

Modelling of Septicity

As a sewer modeller I have occasionally been asked about odour generation in sewer networks. I have noticed that DO (dissolved oxygen) and BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) are both inputs in the wastewater and trade-waste model groups of Infoworks ...
Guest over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Results / Simulations / Water Quality 0 Gathering support

Pasting Profile Names

While pasting grids with headers populates profile names - its not easy to accomplish when appending to the end of a table. One has to create a blank, and then tell the application to paste new profiles. This doesnt work from last profile. This wo...
Matt Anderson over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / Grids 0 Gathering support

Enable HEC-DSS connection to InfoWorks ICM for Time Series

HEC-DSS is the Corp of Engineers version ofTSDB - so exchanging time series, flow or other boundary data with DSS is key
Matt Anderson over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / Data Exchange 0 Gathering support

Export to Geopackage

New versions should export to more generic GIS formats so that they are independent of commercial GIS platforms.
Guest over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Export Data 0 Gathering support

Restrict user ability to "Empty Recycle Bin"

Ideally it would be good to give a couple of named users the ability to empty the recycle bin - everyone else can send things TO the recycle bin, and can go into the bin to recover 'deleted' items, but they won't be able to empty it. This function...
Jason Kulsdom over 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Productivity 0 Gathering support

Add the Detailed EPASWMM LID Detailed Report file for ICM InfoWorks and SWMM Networks

Both ICM SWMM and ICM InfoWorks incorporate the EPASWMM's Low Impact Development (LID) or Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) controls and Subcatchment features, offering a summary of LID inputs and outputs within the SWMM5 Report File (RPT file)....
Robert Dickinson over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / SUDS 0 Gathering support