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Provide option to hide the "hover over" on charts

When looking at charts sometimes the hover over is distracting - i just want to see the trends. Please give users an easy option to toggle this on/off
Pete Mcintosh 12 months ago in Info360 Insight / Workspaces 0 In progress

Advanced Data Management tools

Editing existing records. Validating data as it comes in. Creating new assets from inspections. Allows users to check quality/reliability/applicability of asset data coming into Info360, to provide a better answer.
Mike Maylone about 2 years ago in Info360 Asset / Data Management 0 In progress

Enhance InfoDrainage Long Sections

No description provided
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 1 In progress

Head Units

In WS Pro it would be useful to be able to set the units for head in m AD. This used to be an option in WS. It can be confusing for people starting in or not familiar with modelling to differentiate between pressure and head and having this option...
Guest about 5 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro 0 In progress

Build risk model limited to asset attribute or spatial extents

Carved out from original scope from 49173. First use case - Use spatial layer to determine boundary for risk model Design - Second use case - Choose an asset attri...
Mike Maylone over 1 year ago in Info360 Asset 1 In progress

Selection Sets

A network might need to be divided into areas based on spatial location, attributes, risk, data, etc. Users might want to evaluate an specific area differently than the other parts of their network. Consultants with multiple networks in one hub mi...
Tim Medearis over 1 year ago in Info360 Asset / Data Management 1 In progress

Ability to add 'direction' symbology to the pipes in a network.

This is useful so clients can identify and correct pipes with wrong direction in the GIS
Guest over 2 years ago in Info360 Asset / Customization / Styling / Layer Panel 1 In progress

Customize the label size on image / schematics

Users want the ability to customize the label size that overlay on image/schematics so that they better visually align with the underlying image
Pete Mcintosh 12 months ago in Info360 Insight / Images 0 In progress

AI/ML for alert detection

In order to provide an intelligent event detection engine, we should really be employing machine learning / AI.
Nathan Gerdts about 4 years ago in Info360 Insight 0 In progress

Re-triggering CCTV association when the GIS is updated

Sometimes when the CCTV and GIS don't match, the problem is the GIS. In Info360 Asset users can find unassociated inspections so they have to update the GIS. When updating the GIS in Info360 Asset the inspection will not automatically re-associate...
Martha Nunez about 1 year ago in Info360 Asset 0 In progress