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Info360 Asset

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Expanded use of the 'lining material' field

Pipes that are lined have to be updated in the GIS. Info360 Asset provides 'lining material' and 'lining type' fields. I think it would be beneficial to utilize this field in the risk analysis when assessing the 'pipe material' component to look a...
Martha Nunez 10 months ago in Info360 Asset / Asset Deterioration Modeling 0 Gathering support

Ability to filter assets upon import.

It needs an easy way to filter assets from the GIS that are not needed for cctv/risk/rehab evaluation. For example, exclude abandoned assets, decomissioned, replaced, etc.
Martha Nunez 11 months ago in Info360 Asset 1 Gathering support

Stub out CCTV Lateral Defects

In InfoAsset Planner, the CCTV data for laterals was stubbed out and drawn into the GIS as a polyline. In Info360 Asset, these 'defects' are still visualized only as a point on the pipe, as an 'X'. Seeing the laterals is extremely valuable and 'pa...
Tim Medearis about 1 year ago in Info360 Asset / Map visualization 0 Gathering support

Info360 Asset support multi-sensor inspections

Examples include pipe penetrating radar, sonar, CCTV, LIDAR, side-scan etc. Read Vendors of equipment and software include: https://se...
Tony Andrews 3 months ago in Info360 Asset / Inspection & Media Management Workflows 0 Gathering support

Additional video file type uploads

Clients are asking for the ability to upload .insv and .360 files types.
Sam Cannata 3 months ago in Info360 Asset / Import / Upload 0 Gathering support

Ability to label spatial layers in the map

Layer labels such as customer ID, Basin ID, management area, etc are useful to have in the map so that users can easily locate their customers and areas that they need to serve when conducting and assigning field work.
Martha Nunez about 1 year ago in Info360 Asset / Map visualization 3 Gathering support

Integration with Maximo

Work order data for risk, rehab, or deterioration modeling
Martha Nunez over 1 year ago in Info360 Asset / Other 4 Gathering support

Enable filtering on custom data

Extend the proposed asset data filtering to the extended custom asset data. This will enable a user to apply filtering on customer defined extended asset data. I wonder if the user could choose which custom table to display in a data grid. Could b...
Tony Andrews 12 months ago in Info360 Asset / Product workflows 0 Gathering support

Rehab query for comparison of survey length vs total pipe length (as a %)

This is to determine what percentage of the pipe was surveyed and identify potential abandoned surveys where the 'MSA' code was not coded. This query exists in InfoAsset Planner.
Martha Nunez 4 months ago in Info360 Asset 2 Gathering support

Ability to view inspections directly from the Decision Tree results page.

Currently, the user has to click on the pipe results of the decision tree and scroll all the way to the bottom to view the inspection. To maximize efficiency when reviewing the pipe when conducting decisions or to QAQC results, I suggest to have a...
Martha Nunez about 1 year ago in Info360 Asset 3 Gathering support