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dendric numbering and table of results

its frustrating when interrogating and amending the pipe network, when the pipes and chambers are not in the same order, the way it was presented in MicroDrainage gave a clear path with the final outfall pipe being at the bottom, not randomly plac...
Steven Gilchrist over 1 year ago in InfoDrainage / Reporting 1 Under consideration

Import EPASWMM5 Files

Importing EPASWMM5 files for US users would help to streamline the transition from SSA (you can export to SWMM5 from SSA)
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 2 Under consideration

InfoDrainage - Split subcatchments option for Laurenson runoff routing method

It is industry best practice to split up the subcatchments in a model into their pervious and impervious areas when adopting the Laurenson (or RAFTS) runoff routing method ie U = 2 and U = 0. The current workflow to achieve this is to setup the mo...
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 1 Under consideration

Add Snowmelt to InfoDrainage

The addition of SWMM5 snowmelt will make it easier to model LID's in North America which has a lot of snowfall in Canada and the northern USA. Snowmelt can be a significant source of water annually to a LID or SuDS.
ROBERT DICKENSON over 1 year ago in InfoDrainage / Hydrology 1 Under consideration

Improved tutorial for setting up a network

InfoDrainage - i am just trailing software and using the metric tutorial. i do not like loading in items from MicroDrainage or AutoCAD and was hoping the tutorial would show how to quickly setup a highway drainage system with pipes/manholes/gullie...
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 1 Under consideration

Sewer Design - Depth to soffit

InfoDrainage currently has the depths shown as depth to invert when depth to soffit is more useful to ensure the sewer has sufficient cover
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 1 Under consideration

Provide Hydraulic Results in Civil 3D

As a Drainage Design user, I want to annotate the various Hydraulic results in plan and in profile within Civil 3D. I would like these results to automatically appear from my InfoDrainage design results.
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 2 Under consideration

Infiltration Basins

The output tables for ponds doesn't include any infiltration outputs where the pond is an infiltration basin. The graphs show that there is infiltration but MicroDrainage used to include infiltration in the output table
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 2 Under consideration

Include County of San Diego Modified Rational Method.

Engineers working on land development projects in Southern California could benefit from including the County of San Diego Modified Rational Method. Their Hydrology Manual describes a particular way of calculating the combination of drainage syste...
Guest over 1 year ago in InfoDrainage / Hydrology 1 Under consideration

Include the San Diego Modified Rational Method

Include the San Diego Modified Rational Method as a routing option in the simulation parameters, similar to how its been incorporated to InfoSewer and InfoSWMM
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 1 Under consideration