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Add the ability to drain subcatchments to the grate of a gully

When importing models from XPSWMM to ICM, my subcatchments drain directly to the node where an inlet capture curve is applied to limit flow to the 1d system. I would like to replicate this behavior easily in ICM when nodes are connected to the 2D ...
Sophia Buchanan about 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / Inlets 0 Gathering support

Drain nodes connected to 2d domain representing road gullies to 1D pipe network without digitised connection

Often datasets of road gullies are only in point format and lack details on the connections to the surface water sewer network. A function to allow 1D nodes representing road gullies (which are are connected to the 2D domain with a head discharge ...
Guest 11 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Inlets 0 Gathering support