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Map visualization

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Stub out CCTV Lateral Defects

In InfoAsset Planner, the CCTV data for laterals was stubbed out and drawn into the GIS as a polyline. In Info360 Asset, these 'defects' are still visualized only as a point on the pipe, as an 'X'. Seeing the laterals is extremely valuable and 'pa...
Tim Medearis about 1 year ago in Info360 Asset / Map visualization 0 Gathering support

Ability to label spatial layers in the map

Layer labels such as customer ID, Basin ID, management area, etc are useful to have in the map so that users can easily locate their customers and areas that they need to serve when conducting and assigning field work.
Martha Nunez about 1 year ago in Info360 Asset / Map visualization 3 Gathering support

CCTV inspections should have their own data grid

This request is for a dedicated data grid in which CCTV inspection hearder details should be viewable. Inspections can then be filtered, sorted etc. Even better if this data grid could be hooked up to a dedicated asset condition map integrated wit...
Tony Andrews 10 months ago in Info360 Asset / Data Editing / Inspection & Media Management Workflows / Map visualization / Product workflows 0 Gathering support

Add filters to inspection charts

The charts tool, when viewing PACP inspections, currently shows the distribution of scores only. For reporting purposes, it would be nice if some additional parameters could be added. For example, seeing the score distribution across pipe or inspe...
Kim Solberg 8 months ago in Info360 Asset / Map visualization 1 Gathering support

[Copy] Option to adjust the opacity/transparency of background networks

it would be useful to apply a % opacity/transparency to background networks, without the need to adjust the individual visibility in the Layer and Theme tab. It would also be useful to have the option in the GIS layer control, for individual loade...
Brad Thompson over 1 year ago in Info360 Asset / Map visualization 0 Gathering support

Import corporate standard mapping theme from Esri or other standard

Certain organization have very specific and often rigid mapping theme standards and schemas. Info360 should be able to import those themes and standards, especially if they are created within our alliance partner Esri's solution.
Tim Medearis over 1 year ago in Info360 Asset / Map visualization 0 Gathering support

Option to adjust the opacity/transparency of background networks

it would be useful to apply a % opacity/transparency to background networks, without the need to adjust the individual visibility in the Layer and Theme tab. It would also be useful to have the option in the GIS layer control, for individual loade...
Richard Robinson over 1 year ago in Info360 Asset / Map visualization 6 Gathering support