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Info360 Asset

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Comparison of total length of rehab methods vs total pipe length

Similar to 'Comparison of total length of defects vs total pipe length' however, rehab methods can be assigned to multiple defects. For example the rehab method 'lining' can be assigned to defect codes CC, CL, FM, etc. the total length of a rehab ...
Martha Nunez 3 months ago in Info360 Asset 1 In progress

Expanded PACP code Risk queries (count of defects, clock pos, value%, length, etc)

The NASSCO standard provides a good scoring system for sewer pipes. However, when cities have a large percentage of pipes in poor condition, it is difficult to prioritize the work by solely looking at the NASSCO score. In some cases a utility migh...
Martha Nunez 7 months ago in Info360 Asset 0 In progress

Create a stormwater system type

It would be useful to be able to manage stormwater networks separately from sewer
Brad Thompson almost 2 years ago in Info360 Asset / Asset / Spatial Data Import 0 In progress

Allow all uploaded fields as accessible for risk analysis

The risk analysis by attribute can only support a limited number of pre-configured fields. Users might have additional fields they want to include in their risk analysis (see example of IAP risk compared to Info360 Asset dropdown). Right now, this...
Tim Medearis 8 months ago in Info360 Asset / Data Editing 1 In progress

Deterioration Modeling - Statistical

Predict asset failure using statistical deterioration curves and customer data (unique or global). We could use the existing model library from the IAP desktop and implement Herz and Weibull curves to start. Especially valuable for water customers...
Mike Maylone over 2 years ago in Info360 Asset / Asset Deterioration Modeling 2 In progress

Support for 'Count of work orders' under risk analysis.

This is a common LoF that uses historical work orders such as repairs to determine how prone the pipe is to fail. This can be implemented once we have hooked up Tasks to the Risk and Rehab parts of the application.
Martha Nunez over 1 year ago in Info360 Asset / Risk 0 In progress

Manhole Risk

Create risk profiles for Manhole assets which leverage MACP scores, attributes, spatial analysis for COF, LOF and total risk.
Mike Maylone over 1 year ago in Info360 Asset 0 In progress

Ability to delete assets

We need the ability to delete assets
Martha Nunez almost 2 years ago in Info360 Asset / Data Management 0 In progress

Build risk model limited to asset attribute or spatial extents

First use case - Use spatial layer to determine boundary for risk model Second use case - Choose an asset attribute value to determine which assets are in scope for the particular model.
Mike Maylone almost 2 years ago in Info360 Asset 1 In progress

Manhole Rehab

Many utilities analyse manholes as part of their CIP programs.
Martha Nunez 11 months ago in Info360 Asset / Decision Tree Canvas 1 In progress