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"Initially Closed" and "Check Valve Direction" symbology should adhere to the "show inactive elements" toggle

This is simple enough to do by adding a definition query on the MOTYPE field in conjunction with the existing DSPCODE filter, but currently I would have to manually change this for 4 layers every time I toggle display of inactive elements.
Eric King about 1 month ago in InfoWater Pro / Other 1 Under consideration

Specify number of demands

I almost never need to use all 10 demand fields in InfoWater. The ability to specify the number of demand fields needed would save space in the demand DB table and in the Model Explorer window and make viewing these windows easier.
Colin Ricks about 5 years ago in InfoWater Pro / Other 2 Under consideration

User guide and example for Sustainability Module in InfoWater

I'm currently trying to figure out how to use the Sustainability Module and ensure my results are reasonable and it would be handy if like other modules it has a test module with documentation and tutorials.
Guest about 5 years ago in InfoWater Pro / Other 0 Under consideration