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Product InfoWorks ICM
Created by Guest
Created on May 19, 2020

Route subcatchment outflow directly to a point on the 2D mesh

At times I want to route subcatchment flow to a certain point on the 2D mesh. This could be for directing building runoff to the street/curb or simply making sure the runoff gets to the inlet structure without forcing it into the underground network ignoring inlet capacity. It would be ideal to simply route subcatchment flow to 2D outfalls or 2D inflow points.
    Apr 24, 2023
    This feature was recently delivered in InfoWorks ICM version 11.0.2.
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  • Guest
    Jun 18, 2020

    Yes would love this, currently I have to add dummy nodes to do this

  • Gregory Smith
    Jun 16, 2020
    Agreed. This would then mimic real life urban drainage situations.