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Info360 Asset

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Inference tool: Add a temporary asset ID to manholes without an asset ID.

When manholes do not have an asset ID it would be ideal to have Info360 Asset give a temporary asset ID so that the manhole can be imported and the inspection can be visualized in the map. Ideally, the user should be able to update the manhole ID ...
Martha Nunez 9 months ago in Info360 Asset / Data Editing 1 Gathering support

CCTV inspections should have their own data grid

This request is for a dedicated data grid in which CCTV inspection hearder details should be viewable. Inspections can then be filtered, sorted etc. Even better if this data grid could be hooked up to a dedicated asset condition map integrated wit...
Tony Andrews 10 months ago in Info360 Asset / Data Editing / Inspection & Media Management Workflows / Map visualization / Product workflows 0 Gathering support

Add Workspaces to Info360 Asset

Currently in Info360 Insight, you can use workspaces to add and save all your key content to a dashboard view. This same capability would be huge for Asset users. For example, you could create a view that shows: All of your highest risk assets in ...
Mike Maylone over 1 year ago in Info360 Asset / Other 0 Gathering support

Integration with Autodesk Construction Cloud (Build)

Autodesk Construction Cloud, specifically the Build module, is already a fully configurable asset management solution with mobile workflows. Multiple utilities (3+) have liked the day-to-day work order management available in Build and the simplif...
Tim Medearis about 1 year ago in Info360 Asset / Integrations 0 Gathering support

Integration with Focus 3

Work order data integration from Focus 3 for risk and rehab models. Used in APAC
Michelle Mcmillan 10 months ago in Info360 Asset 0 Gathering support

View the data import configuration

Right now it's not possible to view the configuration Metadata - which attributes are configured against which units. It will be useful to view the configuration for possible reuse.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Info360 Asset / Asset / Spatial Data Import 1 Gathering support

Improvements to the ETL import process

User would want to manage the ETL configurations. This will involve rename, delete, overwrite etc. Multiple imports have resulted in multiple configurations being added and causes the list of configurations to grow and grow. Auto field recognition...
Tony Andrews 11 months ago in Info360 Asset / Asset / Spatial Data Import 0 Gathering support

Project Planning

Roll up rehab actions into projects, where users can optimize the actions based on factors like proximity of the assets, overall cost, work packages, etc.
Mike Maylone over 2 years ago in Info360 Asset 0 Gathering support

Have a costs library available under the rehab actions page

With this functionality, users could have an estimated cost for all assets in their system as soon as they run the rehab tree. This eliminates additional data input and management making the cost reporting much more efficient specially for those u...
Martha Nunez over 1 year ago in Info360 Asset / Rehab actions & cost 0 Gathering support

Data Flags in Info360 - Asset

One BIG and hopefully low hanging option we could add here is Data Flags like in InfoAsset Manager. If different users log into the platform we could easily track who changes what assets, objects, or fields. Could also add custom flags for where d...
Tim Medearis over 4 years ago in Info360 Asset / Data Management 1 Gathering support