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RTC - Allow data to be pasted into tables and it automatically generate the rows

The only way to add new rows to an RTC Table is to manual click on them - if would be better if you could paste a large number of rows from Excel and it auto-generates the rows in the same way as when pasting data into the Inflow table.
David Beesley almost 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / RTC 0 Gathering support

Allow Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V in RTC dialogue (plus other RTC dialogue changes)

For no apparent reason, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V do not work in the RTC dialogue - right-click-copy and right-click-paste still work though, which is confusing. Overall this issue (amongst others) contributes to the RTC dialogue feeling very clunky to us...
Jason Kulsdom over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / RTC 1 Gathering support