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Data Exchange

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Use outflow from one phase as inflow into another phase.

When working on large, multi-phase projects in InfoDrainage, it is common practice to model each development phase in different InfoDrainage phases. However, challenges arise when runoff from one phase discharges into another. Currently, users mus...
Guest 11 days ago in InfoDrainage / Data Exchange 0 For Review

Merge Phases

It would make life much easier if there was the ability to merge multiple phases together, instead of having to duplicate elements between phases. Duplication doesn't wholly work because connections can't be duplicated between phases.
Guest 11 days ago in InfoDrainage / Data Exchange 0 For Review

Relative file paths for CAD data etc.

Would it be possible to use relative file paths for attached information, such as CAD data. A lot of work is done on fileshare sites e.g. SharePoint. If one person syncs the model and another opens it, all the linked data is lost as the global fil...
Matthew Johnson 5 months ago in InfoDrainage / Data Exchange 0 For Review