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Rehabilitation Planning

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Add query for cost comparison between rehab actions (e.g. repair vs replacement)

When making decisions in the field about what rehab action an asset needs, the cost is an important factor that cities will consider. A query of this type would answer the question (true or false) "Is the cost of repair larger than the cost of reh...
Martha Nunez almost 2 years ago in Info360 Asset / Rehabilitation Planning 1 On roadmap

Support for LACP v7 and v8

This is a request for support for LACP CCTV Management in Info360 Asset.
Martha Nunez almost 2 years ago in Info360 Asset / CCTV Standards (e.g. PACP) / Rehab actions & cost 1 On roadmap

Risk & Rehab Based On MSCC Condition Scoring

Use condition scores for MSCC inspections risk models and rehab queries. This will allow UK utilities to do condition analysis in Info360 Asset.