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Enforce velocity constraint on all pipes during Fireflow

InfoWater Pro offers the ability to constrain Fire flow at hydrants so that the max velocity in pipes doesn't exceed a specified threshold. Currently the only option is to enforce this on "Connected Pipes", assuming that the last pipe reaching the...
Nathan Gerdts 8 months ago in InfoWater Pro / Engine 1 Gathering support

modeling surge check valves

I’m also wondering if you all are considering adding more options on how to model check valves.
Guest over 1 year ago in InfoWater Pro / Engine 1 Gathering support

inlet riser option for tank

Have an option to specify an Inlet Riser Pipe for the tank element. This would hold the fill head at a constant, set at the riser pipe elevation, but allow the tank discharge head vary with the tank level.
Guest about 4 years ago in InfoWater Pro / Engine 0 Gathering support

Automate concurrent Fireflow simulations

When you integrate InfoWater into the InfoWorks platform, it would be great if you could ensure that FireFlow simulations can be scheduled and automatically run sequentially for different network scenarios. As far as I am aware this is not possibl...
Guest about 5 years ago in InfoWater Pro / Engine 0 Gathering support