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Product InfoWorks ICM
Created by Gregory Smith
Created on Mar 7, 2022

Easily break into a conduit with a new node

To be able to insert a node (manhole) onto an existing conduit, and have the conduit split at the new node. the node chamber floor would be at the invert of the conduit at that point and that same invert would be assigned to the replacement conduits at that node. The upstream and downstream inverts of the conduit are to remain the same. I see this as being a very useful tool for designing drainage layouts where it becomes obvious the original layout needs additional pits to meet the required capture rates.
    Apr 24, 2023
    InfoWorks ICM now supports Conduit Split with the insertion of a node in both InfoWorks and InfoWorks SWMM networks. Delivered in InfoWorks ICM 2023
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    Apr 6, 2022
    What software are you using? This feature is already in ICM, you can drag an existing node onto a pipe to break it as described or insert a new node.