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Product Info360 Insight
Created by Tim Medearis
Created on Dec 14, 2021

Improvements to Table Chart Dashlet

Right now a table chart can only display on sensor which can be sampled at different intervals. Improvements would include...

  • Being able to select multiple sensors to display. Each sensor would be sampled at the same interval or potentially different intervals all in the same table.

  • When selecting interval (ie 'Raw', '15 min', '1 hour', etc.) the user needs to know if this is being done based on Open, Average, Close, etc. When I select to sample my 15 min data based on a 1 day interval, I have no idea if the data in each day is being averaged, close, etc.

  • Adding Start and End Dates.

  • Controlling Column/Width heights

  • Filtering optionality

  • Search bar to find a specific time step in your table

  • Ability to tie a table to a similar chart. So when I select a row in a table, it is highlighted or zoomed to in a chart, vice versa.

  • Attach files
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    • Tim Medearis
      Dec 14, 2021

      Also UNITS! Each sensor selected in a table should have units specified...not just 'Value'