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LOF and COF by intersection tool

The intersection tool within InfoMaster / Infoasset planner requires a specific buffer distance. It appears that it takes the worst case scenario within this buffer distance as opposed to the closed point to it. It would be nice to add a check box...
Guest over 4 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Asset Management 0 For Review

user configuration of selection tool in InfoAsset Online

be able to specify colour, and width, associated with selection tool, in InfoAssetOnline, currently red which conflicts up standard for combined sewers
Richard Robinson over 4 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Asset Management 0 For Review

as a distributor, i would like to have the complete function of risk in planner into manager.

planner is much more complete process and easy to help the client to get the final work plan, while manager is more about managing the data and much powerful to managing the data. adding the funciton of planner, will make manager much more attrati...
Guest over 4 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Asset Management 0 For Review

As a user, I want to log CCTV import results and geocoding results

In Infomaster, after importing CCTV inspections, it will popup a log text file and same as geocoding in CCTV wizard. But the log files are not available in InfoAsset Planner. Development team, please bring them over to Planner. Thanks!
Guest almost 5 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Asset Management 1 For Review

InfoAsset Planner - Data Miner Automation

Data Miner Automation. As a user, I'd like to be able to call on and run other tools from the Data Miner. (i.e run pre-set analysis from the Analysis Tab - LoF, CoF, Risk, Rehab Plan, etc) This will allow me to create more complex analysis work...
Guest about 5 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Asset Management 0 For Review

CCTV Wizard output

The CCTV wizard Geocode Pipe Survey Data function is great. As a user, I want the output pipe length of connection layer to be 10 feet or less instead of 15 feet, because we have mainlines are close and parallel to each other, currently the connec...
Guest about 5 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Asset Management 0 For Review

Set Up and Run a Multi-Parameter on Top of a Multi-Parameter

We would like the ability to set up and run a multi-parameter on top of another multi-parameter. This will eliminate a LOT of outside Excel and GIS work and allow us to calculate these particular CoFs and LoFs all within InfoAsset Planner.
Guest about 5 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Asset Management 0 For Review

CoF and LoF Score Bubble Scale

Our maximum score for both CoF and LoF is only a 5, but the CoF and LoF bubbles in the Facility Explorer appear to be default set at 10. At a glance, it is very confusing to most people who aren't engrossed in the model. We would like the ability ...
Guest about 5 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Asset Management 0 For Review

direct import of MicroDrainage mdx files into InfoAsset Manager

would like the ability to import MicroDrainage (MDX) files in to InfoAsset Manager, as per ICM, so asbuit developer proposals may be incorporated into collection networks to enable scheduling for survey/checks.
Richard Robinson about 5 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Drainage Design 1 For Review

Update fields by SQL that reference files other than loaded GIS tables ie CSV

Be able to update fields with data from external tables that don't reference primary InfoAsset fields ie Asset_ID, ID. Current SQL updates relly on input data being geocoded and user applying a spatial proximity. eg updating user_text_1 with vau...
Richard Robinson about 5 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Asset Management 0 For Review